
MATSUI Offers an Integrated Distribution Service Based on the Aerospace Standards (certified with JIS Q 9100)

Wide range of technology areas of SOLAE

❶ Turning processing❷ Machining❸ Machining of   difficult-to-machine materials❹ 5-axis machining❺ Discharge processing❻ Welding and laser processing❼ Gear production❽ Jigs & tools manufacture❾ CFRP material processing, etc.

[ Examples of the processing technology ]

NC thin wall lathe processing for difficult-to-machine material, 5 spindle cutting/grinding process for difficult-to-machine material, Welding process for difficult-to-machine material, Color laser processing, Large-sized/ultra-precise wire discharge processing, Integrated production from the development of CFRP base material

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MATSUI, as a comprehensive logistics operator, never gets tired of continuing distribution innovation, while looking ahead to the next 500 years.